Tuesday 13 October 2015

Reminder - Tommorow's Parent STEAM Information Session / Oct. 13

Steam Information Session Tomorrow
Hope that everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving weekend.

Just a reminder that the Steam (our social skills program) Parent Information and Open House is tomorrow!
The Steam session runs from 1:30 - 2:15 with an open house afterwards from 2:15 - 4. It will be a great time to see what we have been working on at the start of the year.

October 13

Today was the beginning of our Place Value unit in Math. Much of our math program will eventually be based in problem-solving that will begin with an open question that allows students to navigate their own approach.
Today, students were instructed to roll a dice to create either 4, 3, or 2 digit numbers, place them in order from greatest to least, and write how they knew that that was the correct order. Here are a few examples of student work:

This student used a chart to organize their works and were able to recognize that they needed to look to the hundreds column when organizing their answers.
 This student decided not to use a chart but was able to show the two different ways that they could organize their work.

This student very effectively used a chart to show their work and was able to identify in writing how they would use a chart to order numbers from greatest to least.
Today we ran out of times to compare results so tomorrow we will be looking over our results and discussing the benefits of creating a table when looking at place value.

Also, since it was indoor recess today, some of the students worked together to piece together the first puzzle of the year!