Thursday 15 October 2015

Five Point Scale / Oct. 15

Five Point Scale

Every morning we have a classroom check-in where we review students' personal goals, they can share something that they did the previous night, and we ask them to identify where they're feeling on the 5-point scale. 

We use the 5 point scale in the classroom to help students to identify their emotions and stress levels, as well as identifying corresponding physical signs. We try to use the language of the 5-point scale throughout the day. Many of the students in the class are interested in Minecraft so we've also incorporated a Minecraft version of the scale. Ms. Kelsey is working individually with students to help them to identify appropriate and effective strategies that they can use at different points in the scale (Ex:"if you feeling you are at a 2, what can you do?"). 

Oct. 15

Today in Math we continued our investigation into Place Value. After discussing some of the work that we completed yesterday about showing different ways of representing numbers and standard form (ex: 5180 = 5000 + 100 + 80), we played a new game today that combined Place Value and Probability.

Gr. 3 students used the attached sheet while students in Gr. 4 had a thousands column included. The game was played by students taking turns rolling dice and deciding which column they needed to place the number in so that they could make a number that was larger than their partner's. The whole class did a great job thinking about placing value, considering the probability of dice rolls, and working really well with their partners. It's a game that could also be played at home for some extra practice to think about Place Value and to work on thinking about representing numbers in standard form.