Monday 8 February 2016

Feb. 8 - Spirit Week / Fractured Fairy Tales

Spirit Week / PD Day Friday
This week is Spirit Week! Please send in permission forms and money for the Tuesday trip bowling if  you have not yet already. Also, please note that this Friday is a PD Day so there is no school.

Our Spirit Day Activities are as follows:

Monday - Crazy Hair / Wacky Hat Dag + Little Ray's Repitles
Tuesday - Sports Day + Bowling
Wednesday - Superhero Day + Magician
Thursday - Wear Red or Pink or Both + Outdoor Fun Day

It's going to be a fun week!

Fractured Fairy Tales
We have been learning a bit about Fractured Fairy Tales in class and are just in the process of creating our own!
Fractured Fairy Tales share a lot of similarities to their original story but they often change an aspect in a key way. Here are some of the ways that they can be changed:

We have been reading some fractured fairy tales (The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs) and have seen some Youtube videos about them. 

As a class, we decided to make up our own ending to the classic Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, and added a not so happy after all ending. 

Students are either writing up and then drawing their fairy tales (Grade 4s) or creating Bitstrips about them (Grade 3s).